alvinie gracia marchella

Okay this is not-to-date post, her bday already passed a long time ago but unfortunately now it’s the time to make it a post.

To clarify, this chick isn’t my GF nor my ex  😉

A t this meaningful time
L et me say few words for u
V ague it is
I t’s vague
N everthless,
I t has to be said
E ven it’s hard to be done

Happy Birthday to you

G race in every breath
R ise with blessings
A wake faithfully
C raving for perfection
I n the holy name of God
A lways wishing u the best!

M ay ur life steps
A re blessed always
R epelling all bad lucks
C harming all good lucks
H appiness be with you
E verything’s fine for you
L et those wish comes true
L oving you always,
A drian

Vinie & Danbo
I gifted her a danbo, her favorite toy for that moment 😀
Adrian Siaril
Adrian Siaril

The boss

Articles: 599


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