
The time heals and sometimes sting

In everything except one string:

For my admiration never fades any set,

From the first day we met.

And the way my heart reacts,

Never changes whenever we both act.

You are truly the tiff of my heart.

Every time I think of dreamland,

U are the one who comes to my mind.

None of my matches could match you,

In every single thing you’ve been through.

Knowledgeable, kindhearted you are

Eclectic, empathetic, and excellent like a star

Now when the chances are visible

Up high I am hoping for a miracle

Guide me dear puppies and kittens

Raise my confidence like a prince of Briton

Only now my dreams could come true

Help me dear lucky bamboo

Only one is my true wish.

Adrian Siaril
Adrian Siaril

The boss

Articles: 599

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