Kategori Draf
4 Things to Learn from Spotify
As per June 2016, Spotify still leads the music streaming industry. There are arguments as…
5 Reasons Why Logistics Don’t Care about GO-SEND
With the rise of online transportation such as Uber and Go-Jek in Indonesia, a new…
Benefits of Overreaction
There are many factors for shares’ price movement. I won’t talk about that basic stuff…
Life’s Good. But There’s an End to That.
Let me start by saying I am an LG fanboy and has been using LG…
Nikon’s Three Musketeers
UPDATE: The series is officially discontinued, citing huge loss and lack of confidence in the…
Could 1 Series be the One?
1 Series from Nikon has been under critics and praise, just like any other cameras…
Tips Mengunjungi Museum Macan
Usahakan pergi saat weekday. Pastikan membeli tiket online terlebih dahulu. Bila pergi weekend, maka belilah…
4 Fakta Unik yang Membuat Orang-Orang Belajar Mandarin
Belajar bahasa Mandarin seringkali dianggap menyulitkan bagi kita orang Indonesia, sebab pengucapan bahasa negara tirai…