The End
In the end it’s not about personality types
It’s not about religion, or distance
Because personality doesn’t measure maturity
Religion doesn’t measure stability
And distance can’t measure the actual distance between two hearts
Logic are full of flaws
Knowledge are full of questions
Hypotheses are full of controversies
But yet they are still more reliable than the gossips
They are much more credible than opinions from the dulls
Unfortunately you are just not smart enough
You are clueless with what you want for yourself
Kids face their world without fear
Without worries for the tomorrow
And you, the experienced are worse than the children of today
How can you move if you fear the tomorrow?
How can you be better if you refuse to move?
How can you live if you don’t acknowledge yourself?
Unfortunately, once again, you are too dull to listen
You are too clueless to understand
Too biased to even think properly
You don’t speak English, some people call that bad
But worse is if you don’t speak honestly
It is bad to hide from God
But worse to hide from confrontation
Hide and fortify yourself in faith
Not in Whatsapp status nor quote pictures from nowhere created by humans
Your logic is worse than the street kids of 80s
Your statements are full of contradiction about yourself
Even your honesty are full of your own lies
You never do what you preach
You hear but you never listen
You speak but never really mean it
Girls and women are different
Took heaps of mix mess to stay as a girl
But even you are worse
You are more volatile than a girl
More clueless than an innocent kid
More lost than the atlantis itself
I don’t even know what are you
Don’t even ask me once
Don’t even ask yourself – you are clueless about yourself
Ask God the all knowing
Science can’t even describe the content of your mind
Probably full of imaginary love songs, fantasy love stories, and your own complicated routing
I wish you could understand these simple things, but unfortunately you are just too dull for anything
Even the bible you read everyday, is cursing the dull
You can be stupid, but to keep learning is what keeps human alive
You can be poor, but to survive is our natural instinct
We can have problems, but there are ways to solve them
Unlike you, I would talk instead of hiding
I would discuss instead of accusing
But it seems that fire must fight against fire
Falling in ‘like’ zone but afraid for the ‘love’ zone? Even Hollywood can’t pull of that kind of crazy line!
Wishing your boy a ‘happiness’ by going away? Even K-Drama can’t script something that stupid!
If you are reading this, know that I lied
I lied that I don’t hate you
Truth is I hate you more than any disgusting thing I have ever seen
I hate your face
I hate your stupidity
I hate your body which you really proud of by showing them on every occassion
I hate your blood
I hate your hippocratic
I hate YOU
and by that, I truly mean it
Unlike you who mistakes hate for love and vice versa
How stupid
When the time came I will unleash my wrath upon you
Don’t worry, since I will spare your life
I will just make it worse than anything you can ever imagine
Worse than your WORST
And in the unlikely event of forgiveness,
I hope karma still remembers
and crush you to the very depths of darkness
Good luck with your graduate life,
Hopefully your fake innocence can get you that ‘international job’
At least learn English and not Google translate, jerk.
MAXIMUM BYE (credit to yourself)
Only you are crazy and volatile enough to make stuffs even crazier than sharks inside tornado. Back to you, Bye Bye. I hope you can say goodbye to your stupidity, after me. Sigh
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