The Sweetest Wishes

May your life full of joy

And blessed everlasting always

Rising constantly like the eagles

Climbing even the highest obstacle

Every time you throw a smile

Let those around you feel the the blessings

Like table salt on every delicacy

Always bringing the best in others
May you find the one worthy for life

In him let there be the same faith

Carrying a unified goal for the future

Holding strong principles like you do

Eternally bonded by God’s grace

Like two hornbill from down under

Linked furthermore by faith and trust

Embracing the destiny together
May all your wishes come true

Of all things you desire

Never will you have to struggle

In soul and body let there be well being

And good health everyday

Grace be your daily gifts

And finally, happy birthday !

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C4: Cari Cuan Credit Card
C4: Cari Cuan Credit Card
Adrian Siaril
Adrian Siaril

The boss

Articles: 642


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