So Long, Hong Kong
I came to the place to be
Without knowing what I gonna be
Heartbroken of distance
A number it should be
Second day of the first
Third back of the first
The second of first
Some numbers playing bee
Your paradise gazed onto me
Your breeze soothe the drifting dust
With waves of healing in the ponds
Your lights dashed in the night drive
Trembing through clouds
Diving through waves
You are the island of happiness
The anti of dizziness
Through you I was refreshed
In you I save my trust
Then I stepped away
Running from your borders
Sitting in Kennedy Town highway
To see yourself against me
You hid yourself from me
Showing the void you had
It was all blank and vapid
Like the sands in your sea
Then the speed revealed
You are not a place for me
I depart in haste
To refuge in Sha Tin
Time became costly
Breath became heavy
In central I strive to live
To find a place called home
I take my chance in Kennedy Town
Where the height outruns the sun
Where the roads bliss in your eyes
Where the curves glide in your mind
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