Tag poetry

A Proposal for A Lifetime
World never stops spinning Its like serving eternal purposeLove should be like the worldLively spinning…
Stefanus Adrian Siaril
By Tiffany Eunike Nugroho S un and stars can’t beat your shineT reasure that truly…

A-Z Lesson
Agnes taught me that being kind is not a priority Beatrice taught me that boys…

The Time
By Angelina Stanton – Street artist on Melbourne She accept donations in exchange of making…

Not acrostic at all ;)
Oh my lovely Lady with such attitude Yearning attention from gentlemen Virtue comes with your…

8 Years and Counting
Variabel variabel yang berceceran, Entah memberi makna apa dalam keseharian. Raut raut wajah yang bertebaran,…

Some meaningful rhymes
Names might be forgotten in seconds E mails could be meaningless today Years will sweep…

The Royal’s Treasure
Q uiver of everlasting arrows U nder the waist of a brave queen E mbodiment…
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