Tag poetry
Crescent of hope and faith Healer for the weakening world Rise to your destined place…
Reprise, from 2009
Great nature finally has fallen An unstoppable force of destruction Betrayed the trust that has…
So Long, Hong Kong
I came to the place to be Without knowing what I gonna be Heartbroken of…
The Time
When I was little, they told me love was the greatest force on earth But…
Gombalan Bulan ini
V isualisation of perfection was mere imagination I mpossible beyond any mind’s extension C raving…
Sang Pejuang
E very leader has their own retirement D ays of war that have passed O…
Ar det jul Varlden utanfor Hal som en tval Hon vill ha kul Josses lila…
The other being Phoa, but this one Erica
The two ‘APEX’ girls I have ever know in my life are Erica and Phoa.…
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