Ever and Later
Hi, you said
Good morning, through the night
Good night, till the sunshine tight
Prayer you gave me, you said
Tons of care for me, you fed
A cinema date, you asked
You said, we were fate
A hope to become my mate
Until it was to late
To realize it’s all fake
Hi, I said
Lol, you replied
Story I told
Silence you sold
I said, you are the one to fought for
I promised, to always stick to you
But I’ve lost what I’m fighting for
I have lost you
You, the one who healed my heart
You, the one who healed my heart and keeps me calm
You, the one who healed my heart and keeps me calm throughout the new year night
You, the one who healed my heart and keeps me calm throughout the new year night when everyone’s gone
Blue color…
A noodle you shared with your sister
Your sister who I met
even before I meet you
something that I won’t be able to
Photographs you’ve sent
Information you’ve stalked
Words you’ve said
Story you’ve shared
All kept tight
in my memories
in my phone memories
in my brain memories
in my dead memories
in my hopeless memories
One that still hopes on you
Credits for Chiquita Fidelia, she shares the same feeling, she contributes surely 🙂
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