Mengelola Tagihan Kartu Kredit dengan ChatGPT
Sesuai dengan konten video saya di Instagram dan Tiktok, dalam tulisan ini saya akan membagikan daftar perintah yang bisa digunakan untuk ChatGPT 3.5 OpenAI yang bisa diakses melalui ChatGPT ( . Perlu dicatat anda perlu mendaftarkan akun dulu untuk bisa menggunakannya.
Selanjutnya, seperti yang saya sudah jelaskan di video, anda perlu terlebih dahulu melakukan rekap manual atas tanggal cetak tagihan dan tanggal jatuh tempo untuk seluruh kartu kredit anda. Kira kira contohnya seperti ini yang saya buat:
![Tagihan Kartu Kredit dengan ChatGPT](
Mengatur Tanggal Pembayaran Kartu Kredit Secara Efisien
Selanjutnya, anda perlu memberitahukan ChatGPT tentang informasi tersebut dengan format seperti ini. Perlu dicatat bahwa dalam contoh dibawah saya hanya menginformasikan 9 kartu saja, bukan seluruh 19 kartu yang saya rekap diatas.
I want to assign one date each month for me to pay all my credit cards billing. Help me figure out which date to pay all my cards without having to incur late fees. In order to find out the date, I will provide you with the dates in which the card billing is generated as below:
Card 1: billing date on 24th and due date is 10th the next month
Card 2: billing date on 22th and due date is 10th the next month
Card 3: billing date on 20th and due date is 5th the next month
Card 4: billing date on 15th and due date on the 1st next month
Card 5: billing date on 16th and due date is the 5th next month C
ard 6: billing date is 19th and due date is the 5th next month
Card 7 billing date is 25th and due date is 13th next month
Card 8: billing date is 23th and due date is 8th next month
Card 9: billing date is 18th and due date is 2nd next month
Do not recommend me dates to pay each cards individually. Instead, find one, and only one date to pay all the cards
Tentunya setelah copy paste tulisan diatas, anda perlu mengganti angka-angkanya dengan data asli anda ya. Apabila kartu anda lebih dari 9, maka tambahkan saja card 10, card 11, dan seterusnya sampai seluruh kartu kredit anda sudah dimasukkan.
Setelah mengirimkan perintah tersebut, ada dua kemungkinan:
Kemungkinan pertama adalah ChatGPT berhasil menemukan satu tanggal untuk membayar seluruh kartu anda. Jawabannya kira kira begini:
To find one date to pay all your credit card bills without incurring late fees, you’ll need to choose a date that accommodates the latest due date among all your cards. In this case, the latest due date is the 13th (Card 7).
To ensure that you pay all your cards on time, you can schedule your monthly payment on the 10th of each month. This date allows you to make payments for all your cards, including Card 7 with the due date on the 13th, well before their respective due dates, ensuring that you don’t incur any late fees.
So, you can set the 10th of each month as the date to pay all your credit card bills to ensure timely payments for all your cards.
Apabila jawabannya seperti itu, maka selamat! Anda sudah selesai dan bisa menutup halaman ini.
Kemungkinan kedua, ternyata kartu anda memiliki kombinasi tanggal yang aneh dan tidak memungkinkan untuk menemukan satu tanggal saja. Dalam kasus ini, jawaban ChatGPT akan sedikit aneh, kira-kira begini:
To ensure that you pay all your credit card bills without incurring late fees, you’ll need to choose a payment date that allows you to make payments within the specified due dates for each card. Here’s a suggested payment schedule:
- Card A (Billing date on 24th, due date on 10th next month)
- Pay on the 7th of the month.
- Card B (Billing date on 5th, due date on 25th)
- Pay on the 20th of the previous month.
- Card C (Billing date on 22nd, due date on 10th next month)
- Pay on the 3rd of the month.
- Card D (Billing date on 20th, due date on 5th next month)
- Pay on the 28th of the previous month.
- Card E (Billing date on 15th, due date on 1st next month)
- Pay on the 20th of the previous month.
- Card F (Billing date on 16th, due date on the 5th next month)
- Pay on the 30th of the previous month.
- Card G (Billing date is 19th, due date is the 5th next month)
- Pay on the 1st of the month.
- Card H (Billing date is 24th, due date is the 11th next month)
- Pay on the 6th of the month.
With this schedule, you’ll pay each card well before the due date, ensuring that you don’t incur any late fees. Be sure to adjust these dates according to your convenience and your financial situation. Additionally, consider setting up automated payments or reminders to help you stay on top of your credit card payments.
Kalau jawabannya seperti itu, anda perlu memberikan DUA perintah tambahan yang saya jelaskan dibawah ini. Pertama, copy paste persis kalimat dibawah ini. Tidak perlu mengganti apapun.
I need just one date to pay all cards. is it possible to narrow it down?
Selanjutnya, ChatGPT akan membalas seperti ini. Disini ChatGPT sebenarnya sudah merekomendasikan PREPAYMENT seperti yang saya jelaskan di akhir video, namun kita bisa memberikan satu lagi perintah tambahan untuk mencari tahu kartu kredit mana yang memiliki tanggal nyeleneh sehingga menyulitkan kita.
To find a single date to pay all your credit cards without incurring late fees, you’ll need to choose a date that accommodates the due dates of all your cards. In your case, the due dates vary for each card, so you’ll need to select a date that allows you to pay all the cards on time.
Based on the due dates you provided, it’s challenging to find a single date that works for all cards because they have different due dates, some of which fall early in the month, and others later in the month.
However, one possible compromise could be to choose a date around the middle of the month, such as the 15th. This way, you can make payments for cards with due dates around the 5th and the 10th, ensuring that you pay them within the required time frame.
Keep in mind that for cards with due dates around the 25th, you would be making payments a bit earlier than necessary, but this should help you avoid late fees across all your cards. Remember to monitor your billing statements and adjust this date as needed if you open new credit cards or if your billing cycle changes.
Perintah terakhir yang anda perlu berikan adalah seperti ini. Jangan ubah apapun dari kalimat ini
then, separate the cards into two payment batches and determine two dates for me
Pada akhirnya, ChatGPT akan memisahkan kartu kredit kita menjadi dua kelompok dan merekomendasikan dua tanggal. Jawabannya akan seperti ini
Certainly, let’s separate your cards into two payment batches based on their due dates and determine two payment dates for each batch:
Batch 1 (Cards with due dates around the 5th and 10th):
- Card A (Due date on the 10th next month)
- Card D (Due date on the 5th next month)
To ensure you pay these cards on time, you can schedule the first payment batch on the 2nd of the month. This date gives you a buffer of a few days to make sure the payments are made well before the due dates.
Batch 2 (Cards with due dates around the 25th):
- Card B (Due date on the 25th)
- Card C (Due date on the 10th next month)
- Card E (Due date on the 1st next month)
- Card F (Due date on the 5th next month)
- Card G (Due date on the 5th next month)
- Card H (Due date on the 11th next month)
To ensure you pay these cards on time, you can schedule the second payment batch on the 20th of the month. This date allows you to make payments for all the cards with due dates around the 25th and the cards with due dates around the 1st, 5th, and 11th next month.
By splitting your payments into two batches, you can effectively manage your credit card payments and avoid incurring late fees for all your cards.
Nah, dalam contoh jawaban saya diatas, berarti saya perlu melunasi seluruh tagihan kartu kredit Batch 2 saya di tanggal 20, dan melakukan prepayment untuk sisa kartu kredit di batch 1.
Demikian, semoga membantu!
Ingin belajar memilih kartu kredit terbaik sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi anda?
pabila kamu pemula di dunia kartu kredit dan ingin mulai mengumpulkan cuan dari kartu kredit, maka kamu akan cocok bergabung di kursus C4: Cari Cuan Credit Card, dimana kita akan belajar:
- Bagaimana orang bisa naik pesawat gratis dari penggunaan kartu kredit
- Bagaimana kartu kredit bisa membuat kita berhemat ratusan ribu sampai jutaan rupiah setiap bulan
- Bagaimana cara agar tidak membayar biaya kartu kredit sama sekali
Ayo cek dan gabung sekarang dengan klik tombol dibawah!
![C4: Cari Cuan Credit Card](
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